Data wpisu: 29-12-22
Article Added By office
Math is the queen of sciences and has been for centuries. The question, ‘Why is mathematics the queen of sciences?’ may seem strange to you. After all, don’t we see math every day? You buy a pair of trousers, take its measurement and find out how much it will cost you to have it altered. You go shopping again and this time you choose a longer pair of trousers because the last ones were too short. This article explains why mathematics is indeed the queen of sciences by explaining how many fields of science are related to mathematics and how math can give insight into other sciences like physics, biology, computer science etc. While not everyone who reads this article will be convinced that math is indeed the queen of sciences, hopefully they will understand why so many people think so.
If you want to build a house, you have to have a strong foundation. Similarly, every field of science needs a strong foundation in mathematics. To build a scientific theory, you need facts, observations and data. These facts and data must be reliable, repeatable and consistent. This is where mathematics comes in. It deals with numbers, equations and other facts that are consistent and reliable. Other sciences use the results of mathematical equations and formulas to measure things and make predictions. For example, the field of physics uses mathematical equations to study the movement of objects in nature.
Similarly, the field of biology uses mathematical formulas to calculate things like the body’s rate of metabolism or how infection spreads. Even though basic mathematics is the foundation of every discipline, it is not as complicated as one might think. This is why it is very important to make sure that children learn basic math in school. If they don’t learn their numbers and basic mathematical concepts, they will have difficulty understanding other sciences later on in life.
As discussed above, math is the foundation of every field of science. However, it does more than that. It helps people to organise data from other sciences. For example, in the field of medicine, a doctor’s notes will include things like the patient’s age, gender, vitals etc. The doctor also writes down the patient’s symptoms and details about the medications that have been prescribed. All this information is written down in a language called ‘medical terminology.’ While the medical terminology is very clear to doctors, it is not easy for others to understand it.
There is another language called ‘statistical terminology’ that looks at this information from a statistical or mathematical point of view. Statistical terminology simplifies things so that it is easier to understand. For example, if someone has a temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, this is written down in medical terminology as ‘98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.’ In statistical terminology, it will be written as ‘36.9 degrees Celsius.’
Everything in nature is made up of atoms, molecules and other particles. These are so small that we cannot see them with the naked eye. Moreover, these particles are continuously moving around and vibrating. When scientists discovered that the universe was made up of particles, they wanted to know more about them. So, they studied these particles and came up with equations to predict their movements. For example, scientists wanted to know the nature of light. They found that if they applied pressure on light, it behaved like tiny particles.
They named these particles ‘photons.’ Now that they had discovered the nature of light, they calculated what its properties were. They found that light travels at a certain speed and that it has a certain wavelength. Further, they found that light can be absorbed or reflected by certain materials. This is how math is the language of nature.